Heyyyyyyyyyyyy lama tak update blog ni lahh!
Eh... tak rindu ke?
Oh takpe, saya dah bese dah takde org nk layan saya (hihi)
It has been a long term break for puasa and raya too but sadly,
keluar jalan raya sekali aje... tu pun dengan cca mates, takde
sape pun girls yang I rapat sangad uuith
And then shaa pulak tu tak pergi,
so I mcm sedey giler ahhhh hampa u kno hais tapi apakan daya mcm tu lah
lumrah kehidupan perlu di teruskan, kan?
Then I also did not get to join my class's jalan raye
cos i gg melaka insyaallah esok hopefully safe go safe comeback lar har?
Hope that my class is happy and enjoying themselves too, hek
and sooo...
Kiter teruskan dengan cerita sedey hari ini. (suara cam berita)
Dilaporkan terdapat seorang budak perempuan bersama budak lelaki sedang makan
di sebuah restoran menjual makanan segera, McDee.
Di situ, mereka menjamu selera burger baharu yang telah dikeluarkan sehari yang lalu iaitu
burger "Nasi Lemak" yang mendapat sambutan yang amat baik dan yg jahat (pun banyak jugak sey) dari khalayak ramai.
Masya-Allah sistur!!! sedap u olls :PP
But my one (the burger) spesel sikit ah cos i minta yang tak nak ade cucumber or TIMUN.
Pasal i hate it. Legit, ah uh.
Then u kno lah i ate very sloe, mengalahkan si kura kura berjalan.
End up, dah habes makan tu semue, Tina and me left the place.
Leaving behind the tak habes punye aiskerim cendol mcflurry.
Cos kenyang and nmpk caer sngd takut nnti saket perut lak kan?
Pastu I just grab along my coke yang mcm 'untouchable' atau tak gerak-gerak dari tadi tu
(padehal dah minum sikit hokaay -.-, cuma yelah like i said jn i sloe tu jeee)
so that I can minum along the uuay
Dah keluar pintu McD ajee terus Tina nak balek umah cos nak pooooo or bae (ohmygauud my bae nak baeruck arr hahahahah jkjk) :P
Dah duduk dah cantik dah. Until he said, block kiter kat sane lah.
Then I sedey ah.
Jalan lagi dan jalan lagi. Eh eh dah sampai!
Pheuu, dapat jugak at last tempat duduk cos tempat laen dh kene chop
dengan orang orang kat situ. ( Hmph :/ )
But then kan, oh yahhhhh I forgottttttt to talk about my back and my saket peruttttt
my belakang tetibe saket sey for uuhich idk y and houu does it come from sesudah saya and Tina
keluar dari McDee. That pain lasted till I sat on the bench bauuah block dia, huhu. I urut abit belakang sementara tunggu Tina bae kat atas. And then, I keep adjusting my seat tatau ah nak sandar or nah, tak sedap gitu ah.
After brp mins, turunlah si Tina dari lif block dia... he also sat beside me and (jgn risau ade divider kat that bench, hehe) then uh he asked is my back okay? smth liddat uh.
I agreed and then he actually nak carry my bag for me, (hahaiss suueet kannnn >.<" auuuu hihihi)
but i told him takpelahh auuak carry air ajee. At first feuu he refuse, but then end up setuju dengan kiter (huhu! YAAAY I uuinn :P) then i carry on uuith my bag letak kat depan instead of my back takut jadi lagi teruk kan? (hurm, i guess it makes it even more uuorst cos of the incoming insiden)
so jalan jalan sampai satu block ni dekat dengan sekolah rendah south vieuu!
Tetibe pulak my perut saket pulak. (Haduhai asyik buat hal ajeee aku harini tau ._.)
Then aft drinking that coke yang rase dah tak guessy sangad tu, I asked Tina to buangkan je ah cos I feel and think that the more I drink the drink, the more saket perut it can get tho... so better dont and just leave it kay girl, alrightttt.
Aft dh buang kt tong sampah yang terdekat dengan block tu yang near dgn lift jgk tu, uue then continued uualking.
Hmhm :)
Pikir nak tunggu bas,
so jalan lah sampai ke bustop
Tina pun periksa/check his fon and dapati bahauuasenyeee
13MINs LATER baru bas akan sampai
uuhich is so ridiculous, tak masuk akal mahupun logik >:(
so duh ofc apa lagiii? Kitorg pun jalan ahh dari situ and mybe thot of uualking
to lrt near keat hong or south vieuu but end up pun jalan kaki sampai ke sekolah haha
yeh i knouu like
(teringat lagu tu la, avril lavigne)
(All mah lyfe have been guud but nouu ohhhhhh... uuhat the hell?!)
Dah jalan, pass by blocks sambil berbual tu kan tetibe... :')
Elok elok dah jalan, i nmpk a puddle of uuater on the pavement and uuaktu tu hujann gerimis ahh but hujan ah, like duh hahaha. (i think uuhen i think back mcm regret pulak pasal tak tunggu kan bus tadi... shud have just uuait for it, kalau tak dari tadi dah terselamat dari insiden ni heiss)
and teka ahhh ape jadii lepastuuuu, ah haa! At first i didnt feel the ground sangd cos of the uuater puddle yang banyak tu, tetibe terslideeeeeeee then Tina nampak (aduh, paisey seyyyy heisss) :'(
even got one or dua orang gitu mybe nmpk kut. Memang tak sangka ahh mcm mne ntah boleh jatuh, haiss dahlah jatuh, seluarrr basaahhhhhhh, kasut selippery, dahlah bag kat depan, badan saket sikit... habes fon aku pecah internally the screen. Mmg ah tak rabak but still, oh hello there... its my neuu fon sey... I shud have uualked the same path as Tina sey haisss shud have avoided the puddle puddle -.-
Naseb baeklah ade kauuan ni yang uualk together. :)
Helped and cared for ehem, iqah. *coughs*(uhuk-uhuk)
sidenote: hehe :') uuuv u auuak! (shhh)
but yang bestnyee bila dah bangun and dibantu bngun,
bila jalan lagi eh ey nak terslide lagiii legittttt hahahah im not kidding,
im being serious yes srs rn.
uuell kalau tak caye tanye lah si Tina sendiri.
But uolls mane kenal dia kan haha :P
so paham-paham n tau je lah ehk hihi
so i really really appreciate and grateful to have him to tolong, accompany my sedeyness...uhuk uuekkkkk :'( also being concern n uuorried psl tdi :/
Thank you auuak <3, kalau takde auuak conferm dah tak telarat nak bangun thooo... (hurm).
so aft that incident, things uuent smoothly i think so? Hehe.
uhm like he said uue talked alot and became... closer?
Hm, good connection and all that, ah uh?
I just feel so happyyy that kitorg dpt sit together and manja-manja like he like to say ^^ (but ofc ah maseh ps psl tdi)
He so kinddd... (aaaaaa) sanggup urutkan belakang sikit :/
then he also thot of sending me homee but end up tak ah haha aft i called my mum
and told her the story, she then said jgn pikir sangad ...
(hurm hurm Tina pun ckp cmtu ah, shared the same thing)
uhm, ni secret tauuu uhm
kiterrr sukeee bila dia peluk my bahu hehee ><
(shhhhhhh nnti paiseyyy uh)
then uuhen he asked nak baring kat bahu dia ke tak,
then I baring at his bahu then he lay his head on my head uuhile looking at me, auuuuu!
Hhaaissss then imagine ahhh kalau orang tersyang korang
buat cmtu kt korang and said that he loves uuuu (aaaaaaaaa *tutup muka*)
"uuuv youu & syg auuk" takleh lupee ahhh haduiii.. (chill pikaaa, CHILL!)
obv kitorg pun pegang tangan ah, feel so comfy uuith his hands :')
I love it bila he pegang my hands uuith both of his handdss aaaaaa hihihi omggg stop it pikaaaa stop it! Tsk,
but bila he asked to touch his hidung right, very funny ahh haha cos he aluuays like to make his bibir
close to my hand pikir cute ahh ha? (nk try lar tu ...)
seolah olah making that kiss emoji :* to mah fingers lel
but neh. HAHA
but he did on my hand. :(
idky he said takleh ah...
maybee cos he suka pegang tangan orang kut or suke sangad smpai cmtu maybe? o.O
but haiss se happy got to be uuith him :)
then bila dh gerak dari situ, he holds my hands :) :(
Idk to feel eggcited, happy. sad or uuhut its just a misture of feelings likeee bestnyeeee! but atsm takut ade org nmpk :/
I ofc laaa ps sape la tak ps kann then I keep on telling him ade ppl sane sini blablabla
just to avoid it, hehe (avoid from ppl talking about us)
so he is more careful this time by ensuring me to uualk safely on the puddles and pavements
haha baekklahh auuak ni aduhaiss ^^P
dah pikir nak naik lrt, end up terus je ah sampai sekolah...
then he asked ah uuhether nk pakai jaket ke tak
kalau dari tadi tanya takpe jugakk ni dah nk sampai sekolah dah depan
trafik light lagi hahaha kelakar lah budak nii.
so dah jalan lpas green light turns onn, uue go to cca safely.
The end :) he oso kentut siaa in bilik cca euuuuuuuuuuuu hahahaha
sayang auuak tina, kiter marah atau tsk tu bukan apee
sayang auuak okayy :P tapi takleh ah tunjuk my clingyness
takut auuak nnti terjatuh pulak ke hati kiter haha actually
tak ah, takut auuak lari jeee hurmm :/